Only the Brave

Shahanaz M Meera

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Beschreibung zu „Only the Brave“

About the book:
LOVE, GLASS DOORS and ... RAINBOWS They both have traveled from the stages of being caged to stretching their wings out, from being suppressed to emerging into who they are, from being told a love like this would never last to love is never wrong. One cut down his wings so the other could fly, a sacrifice for the same colored love. Both didn't know how to un-fall in love, they turned to be completely paralyzed in loneliness, no more arms around each other's shoulders, always a distance between, it grew, intensionally it was meant to be grown even when none of them wanted it that way. Will they be able to survive the already written standards of the society, will they be able to recall what love once was, and will they be able to reunite?
About the author:
Shahanaz M Meera is an author who grew up on the Southern side of India. Growing up, she was captivated by Cricket, this interest led to some early exposure to reading since she was drawn to stories related to Cricket. A certain interest in poetry arose by the time around 2017 when she used to scribble random poems out of nowhere and this led to a constructive phase in her poetry. A Software Engineer at the moment, writing poems turned out to be a passion upon which she is trying to succeed. Recently, her first-ever poetry collection named TORN got published which is indeed the beginning of a milestone ahead.






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