The Crimson Tide

A Novel

Robert W. Chambers

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Beschreibung zu „The Crimson Tide“

"The Crimson Tide: A Novel" by Robert W. Chambers
Robert William Chambers was an American artist and fiction writer, best known for his book of short stories. In this book, he takes readers to an America in the first few years of the 20th century. At a time full of change, the expectations of the men and women of high society are in flux. Starting with the introduction of the woman's battalion and following characters through love, and adventures navigating the status quo, this book remains a fascinating book to this day.

Über Robert W. Chambers

Robert Chambers was an American artist and writer best known for The King in Yellow, an 1895 collection of weird short stories, connected by the motif of a fictitious drama The King in Yellow, which drives those who read it insane. E. F. Bleiler described The King in Yellow as one of the most important works of American supernatural fiction.


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