Sketches of the East Africa Campaign

Robert Valentine Dolbey

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Beschreibung zu „Sketches of the East Africa Campaign“

"Sketches of the East Africa Campaign" is a collection of sketches portraying the World war one battles fought in the East African colonies between British and German troops. Author and British Captain Robert V. Dolbey explains, "These sketches of General Smuts' campaign of 1916 in German East Africa, do not presume to give an accurate account of the tactical or strategic events of this war. The actual knowledge of the happenings of war and of the considerations that persuade an Army Commander to any course of military conduct must, of necessity, be a closed book to the individual soldier. To the fighting man himself and to the man on the lines of communication, who helps to feed and clothe and arm and doctor him, the history of his particular war is very meagre. War, to the soldier, is limited to the very narrow horizon of his front, the daily work of his regiment, or, at the most, of his brigade…"


Good Press




ca. 127





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