An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies

Robert Knox

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Beschreibung zu „An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies“

Robert Knox's book, 'An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies', is an important contemporary account of Sri Lankan life in the 17th century. Knox's direct and idiomatic language is influential to the development of the English novel, and his vivid descriptions of Sinhalese topography, economic and social life, and cultural characteristics provide a valuable source for the economic history and anthropology of Ceylon during this period. The book is divided into four parts, with the first three detailing the Kingdom of Kandy and the final part depicting Knox's escape from captivity. Knox portrays himself as a practical, self-sufficient, and resilient individual, similar to Defoe's shipwrecked mariner.


Good Press




ca. 370





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