The Face and the Mask

Robert Barr

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Beschreibung zu „The Face and the Mask“

"The Face and the Mask" by Robert Barr is a collection of short stories from the Canadian writer. The volume contains: The Woman of Stone, The Chemistry of Anarchy, The Fear of It, The Metamorphoses of Johnson, The Reclamation of Joe Hollends, The Type-written Letter, The Doom of London, Why London, Warned, Was Unprepared, The Coincidence That Came at Last, The American Who Wanted to Sell, The American Sees Sir John, How the Smoke Held Down the Fog, The Train With Its Trail of the Dead, The Predicament of De Plonville, A New Explosive, The Great Pegram Mystery, Death Cometh Soon or Late, High Stakes, Where Ignorance is Bliss, The Departure of Cub Mclean, Old Number Eighty-six, Playing With Marked Cards, The Bruiser's Courtship, The Raid on Mellish, Striking Back, Crandall's Choice, The Failure of Bradley, Ringamy's Convert, A Slippery Customer, and The Sixth Bench.


Good Press




ca. 210





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