A Sheaf of Verses: Poems

Radclyffe Hall

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Beschreibung zu „A Sheaf of Verses: Poems“

A Sheaf of Verses is a collection of short poems by Radclyffe Hall, that are pleasant and easy to understand. Dedicated to "sad days and glad days", this remarkable collection was originally published in 1908 and includes some of her famous poems, namely One Night, My Choice, The All-Mother's Awakening, The Cloud and the Mountain, The Poet, and many more.

This work is one of her five poetry collections that were released before she stopped writing poetry and published her first novel in 1924. The others were Twixt Earth and Stars (1906), Poems of the Past and Present (1910), and Songs of Three Counties and Other Poems (1913)

Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall (1880 –1943) was an English poet and author, best known for the novel The Well of Loneliness, a groundbreaking work in lesbian literature that created a scandal and was banned for a time in Britain for its treatment of lesbianism.


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