The Ocean and Its Wonders

R. M. Ballantyne

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Beschreibung zu „The Ocean and Its Wonders“

The Ocean and Its Wonders by R.M. Ballantyne is an elegant and lyrical book of details and facts about the ocean during the mid-1800s. Excerpt: "There is a voice in the waters of the great sea. It calls to man continually. Sometimes it thunders in the tempest when the waves leap high and strong and the wild winds shriek and roar as if to force our attention. Sometimes it whispers in the calm and comes rippling on the shingly beach in a still, small voice as if to solicit our regard. But whether that voice of ocean comes in crashing billows or in gentle murmurs, it has but one tale to tell,—it speaks of the love, and power, and majesty of Him who rides upon the storm, and rules the wave."


Good Press




ca. 128





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