Wandering Lives

Simone Malacrida

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Beschreibung zu „Wandering Lives“

"Wandering Lives" is the exciting tale of seven women who intersect their existences with History and the events characterizing their endless wandering.
Maria, Jana and Agnes, by a strange will of chance, brush past each other's experiences without noticing each other.
Brought together by the tragic course of the 20th Century, they have not lost hope in the future.
Evelyn, Dafina, and Serena find themselves overwhelmed by contemporary society that forces them not to anchor themselves in the past.
Alone in the impetuosity of the present, they will manage to work out personal responses.
All the women will find their own dimension only after going through a series of trials and after finishing a journey that will lead them to the discovery of the self and the other.
Alongside them, there will be a common witness that the reader will discover page after page.
Closing the writing, a timeless figure, a mysterious female entity, will bring each tale and each thought back to a longed-for eternity.






ca. 366





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