The Missing Mortgagee

R. Austin Freeman

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Beschreibung zu „The Missing Mortgagee“

In R. Austin Freeman's classic mystery novel, 'The Missing Mortgagee', readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the investigation of a mysterious disappearance. The book is set in the early 20th century, featuring intricate plot twists and detailed sleuthing. Freeman's writing style is characterized by his attention to detail and scientific approach to solving mysteries, making it a unique read in the realm of detective fiction. The literary context of the time period adds depth to the story, offering a glimpse into society and crime-solving methods of the era. The suspenseful narrative keeps readers engaged until the very end, as the protagonist uncovers the truth behind the missing mortgagee. R. Austin Freeman's background as a medical doctor heavily influenced his writing, incorporating elements of forensic science and logical deduction into his mysteries. His expertise in scientific analysis is evident throughout the book, providing an educational and entertaining read for fans of detective fiction. 'The Missing Mortgagee' is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted mystery novel with a touch of scientific intrigue and historical context.


Good Press




ca. 29





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