Australia in Arms

A Narrative of the Australasian Imperial Force and Their Achievement at Anzac

Phillip F. E. Schuler

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Beschreibung zu „Australia in Arms“

Phillip F. E. Schuler's book 'Australia in Arms' is a poignant and vivid account of Australia's involvement in World War I. Through his detailed narratives and eyewitness reports, Schuler brings to life the experiences of the Australian soldiers on the battlefield, capturing the hardships and bravery they faced during the war. Schuler's writing style is engaging and immersive, providing readers with a deep insight into the historical context of the war and its impact on Australia. Phillip F. E. Schuler, a renowned war correspondent and journalist, witnessed firsthand the events he writes about in 'Australia in Arms'. His experiences reporting from the front lines give the book an authentic and personal perspective, making it a valuable historical account of Australia's role in World War I. Schuler's expertise and dedication to documenting the war's impact on Australian soldiers shines through in his compelling narrative. I highly recommend 'Australia in Arms' to any reader interested in Australian history, World War I, or military literature. Schuler's meticulous research and powerful storytelling make this book a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of Australia's wartime experiences.


Good Press




ca. 375





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