Back to the Miracle Factory

Rock Etc. 1990's

Paul Williams

Film & Musik

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Beschreibung zu „Back to the Miracle Factory“

Paul Williams has been writing about pop music for decades, never flagging in his enthusiasm or his emotional and intellectual openness to the newest music. He has been doing this ever since he founded the rock magazine, Crawdaddy, in 1966. His insight into how it feels when we listen to certain performers or certain performances makes a connection between music and reading that is rare and fascinating. Whether its Bob Dylan or Brian Wilson, Pearl Jam or Nirvana, Paul Williams can reveal something we didn't know we knew when we listened to the music. This is what rock criticism was invented to do, back in the 1960s, and he has been doing ever since. It's as much fun to read, as the music is to listen to.

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Über Paul Williams

Paul Williams is Ireland's most respected crime journalist and true crime author. A qualified criminologist, he has won a number of major journalism awards for his investigative work for The Sunday World. He has been responsible for a string of major exposes about John Gilligan, his gang and the murder of Veronica Guerin. Williams is the international bestselling author of Gangland and The General, which was made into a major motion picture by director John Boorman.


Forge Books




ca. 346





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