The Sport of the Gods

Paul Laurence Dunbar

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Beschreibung zu „The Sport of the Gods“

'The Sport of the Gods' is a novel by Paul Laurence Dunbar, which centered on American urban black life. Forced to leave the South, a family falls apart amid the harsh realities of Northern inner city life in this examination of the forces that extinguish the dreams of African Americans. The story begins by introducing us to Berry Hamilton, an emancipated black man, who works as a butler for a wealthy white man Maurice Oakley. Berry lives with his wife, Fannie, and two children, Joe and Kitty. During a farewell dinner for Maurice's younger brother, Francis Oakley, it becomes known that a large sum of money has disappeared from Oakley residence due to Francis apparently being careless and leaving the key in the safe. Maurice soon convinces himself that Berry must have stolen the money. A court finds Berry guilty of the theft and sentences him to ten years of hard labor.


Good Press




ca. 122





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