The Trade Signs of Essex

A popular account of the origin and meanings of the public houses & other signs

Miller Christy

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Beschreibung zu „The Trade Signs of Essex“

Miller Christy's 'The Trade Signs of Essex' delves into the fascinating world of historical trade signs in the county of Essex. Through detailed analysis and intricate descriptions, Christy explores the significance and evolution of these unique symbols, shedding light on the commercial landscape of the region. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, the book provides insights into the cultural and social context of trade signs, making it a valuable resource for historians and enthusiasts alike. Christy's attention to detail and meticulous research make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of commerce and tradition in Essex. The inclusion of illustrations and photographs further enhances the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Miller Christy's expertise in local history and keen eye for detail shine through in this comprehensive study of trade signs in Essex, making it a definitive work on the topic. 'The Trade Signs of Essex' is a compelling read that offers a unique perspective on the historical roots of commercial branding.


Good Press




ca. 205





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