Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Membe

Meikyou Shisui


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Beschreibung zu „Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Membe“

Light’s revenge tour takes him to the Elven Queendom, home of his former partymate Sasha. Her reward for leaving him for dead was riches, status, and a betrothal to Sir Mikhael, second-in-command of the queendom’s elite White Knights. To “congratulate” Sasha on her engagement, Light issues her a challenge: face off against him in a giant tower shaped like a wedding cake!

Although Sasha knows it’s a trap, she must rectify her former party’s mistake of leaving Light alive three years ago in order to preserve her new lifestyle. With Sir Mikhael and the White Knights in tow, she challenges Light and his crew of Level 9999 bombshells—plus a few new faces. Can they overcome the might of one of the world’s strongest nations?


J-Novel Club




ca. 255





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