The Cursed Patois

From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899

Mary Hartwell Catherwood

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Beschreibung zu „The Cursed Patois“

The novel "The Cursed Patois" is set in the American countryside. It tells the story of a young widow's efforts to raise her son and the help she receives from her late husband's partner. Francoise, a woman of French and Indian mix, is the young widow of Joe La France. With nowhere else to go, she turns to Frank Puttany, her husband's old business partner, who pleads with his current partner, Brown, to allow the young widow and her son to settle in with them. But they are surprised when the two suddenly leave the camp. And when they catch up with the pair, Francoise tells them that Joe's brother had come to look for them and wanted to take them with him, something that triggers Brown's feelings towards the young woman…


Good Press




ca. 14





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