The Blue Man

From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899

Mary Hartwell Catherwood

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Beschreibung zu „The Blue Man“

The Blue Man is a short story by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Catherwood was an American author of fashionable historical romances, short stories, and poesy. Excerpt: "Voices approached; and I watched his eyes come into his face as he leaned forward! From a blurr' of lids they turned to beautiful clear balls shot through with yearning. Around the jut of rook appeared a bicycle girl, a golf girl, and a youth in knickers having his stockings laid in correct folds below the knee. They passed without noticing us. To see his looks dim and his eagerness relax was too painful. I watched the water ridging against the horizon like goldstone and changing swiftly to the blackest of greens. Distance folded into distance so that the remote drew near. He was certainly waiting for somebody, but it could not be that he had waited thirty-five years: thirty-five winters, whitening the ice-bound island; thirty-five summers, bringing all paradise except what he waited for."


Good Press




ca. 10





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