The Unpopular Boss

Why Excellent Leaders Are Not Nice

Markus Jotzo

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Beschreibung zu „The Unpopular Boss“

Giving your employees goals, motivating them, providing feedback, and supporting them, whilst also remaining aware of all the conventional tasks of leadership, is of course correct and good - but it is not excellent.

Excellent leaders are not the friendly boss who wants to be the employee's pal. Experience shows that it is the uncomfortable and challenging bosses who can't be beaten when it comes to results and employee development.

In this book, Markus Jotzo outlines the path from mediocre management to excellent leadership. As a self-employed leadership expert since 2005 and a previous manager himself, he knows what he is talking about. In this book you will find numerous concrete examples, tangible tools, and tips that you can directly implement in your daily leadership activities.

MARKUS JOTZO has eight years of experience as a manager at Unilever. Today, he is active as an international speaker and trainer and is the founder of the institute Markus Jotzo Leadership. His credo: An excellent leader is not the one who fosters a great mood in the team, but the one who supports and further develops the team - and thereby ensures the success of the organization. The author lives in Hamburg and has two amazing children.

Über Markus Jotzo

Markus Jotzo weiß, was gute Führungskräfte ausmacht - und warum gut sein nicht ausreicht. Acht Jahre lang war er Führungskraft bei Unilever, erlebte gute und schlechte Führung und sehr wenig exzellente, bevor er sich mit seiner eigenen Firma selbstständig machte. Heute ist Jotzo international als Speaker, Trainer und Coach tätig sowie Inhaber des Instituts Markus Jotzo Leadership Development. Sein Credo: Ein exzellenter Chef ist nicht einer, der für gute Stimmung im Team sorgt, sondern einer, der seine Mitarbeiter weiterentwickelt. Und dadurch den Unternehmenserfolg sichert. Der Autor lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen zwei Kindern in Hamburg.






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