The Red and the Black

Marie-Henri Beyle

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Beschreibung zu „The Red and the Black“

In Marie-Henri Beyle's novel, 'The Red and the Black', readers are introduced to Julien Sorel, a young and ambitious protagonist navigating the complexities of French society in the 19th century. Beyle, writing under the pseudonym Stendhal, employs a unique blend of romanticism and realism to explore themes of love, politics, and social class. The novel's intricate plot and psychological depth exemplify Beyle's distinct literary style, making it a classic work of French literature. 'The Red and the Black' is considered a pioneering novel in the development of the psychological novel genre and has been studied for its portrayal of the protagonist's internal struggles and societal constraints. Beyle's keen observations of human behavior and intricate character development make this novel a must-read for fans of 19th-century literature and students of French cultural history.


Good Press




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