Cranberry Power Fruit

Handbook to the Methusalem Berry Sensational Healing Successes

Marianne E. Meyer

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Beschreibung zu „Cranberry Power Fruit“

This revised translation of the first practical handbook from Windpferd publishers gives all-round information of the red rejuvenating fruit.
The expert for natural remedies is showing how the cranberry is indispensable as natural health care helper. Since 1914, the fruit of the genus vaccinium is researched and mainly used for bladder infections, acute cystitis, and urinary tract infections. The health-promoting potential of cranberry associated with its antibacterial activity results from the presence of proanthocyanidins (PAC) type A, which has been shown to prevent the adhesion of bacteria. The best established medical applications of cranberries are prevention and treatment of bacterial infections of the urinary tract (UTI), infections of the gastric mucosa and infections of the oral cavity.
This work demonstrates the potential of preventing and curing some 80% of all health problems including cardiovascular diseases (especially atherosclerosis), rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. We can turn back the clock reversing premature aging symptoms perhaps living to be as old as hills.
Refined recipes from Marianne's health kitchen and trendy cocktails complete the book with the red round power fruit.

Über Marianne E. Meyer

M. Meyer has traveled four continents. For her, it is always more important to under-stand the country and the people than to collect attractions.
Professionally, she has passed through many stages of life with the focus on self-help and learning: We are our own best teachers, healers, and spiritual leaders.
Formerly a Doctor’s assistant, she later studied at FHS and Johann-W.-Goethe Uni­versity in Frankfurt, laying emphasis on family therapy and gerontology, followed by a PhD study in gerontology and a study in nutrition, focusing on immune defense and Spirulina. After earning her PhD in nutrition and living more than ten years in the US, the author went back to the Frankfurt/Heidelberg area and introduced Spirulina to her Europe-an and Russian readers. Ms. Meyer currently lives in Portugal and works at times with juveniles, who are displaying behavioral problems.


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