The Operator Development Program

Production Management for Managers

Marcus Karl Haman

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Beschreibung zu „The Operator Development Program“

An undertaking should be considered like a organism. In order to exist, each "form life" must develop itself further. May this be by experiencing and collecting of experience or through specific transfer of knowledge. The most effective approach to improve the organization is certainly the training of the people or employees, who ensure the core business. In the example of a production plant, these are the workers or production employees. However, the difficulty is to implement the transfer of knowledge in a regulated and controlled or structured manner. Similarly subjects like wage structure and function allowances as well as the desire of the un-dertaking to make progress are always pre-sent. May this be professional, personal, methodical or hierarchical.

Über Marcus Karl Haman

Marcus Karl Haman: After his trainee program in electric and studies in electric in evening schools he graduate a master degree in process & quality management on the danube university Krems and studied Supply Chain Management Excellence on the university of alcala and georgia tech. In his profession he was able to get experience from the buttom up. He started as a trainee in electric and became several years later plant manager and director of leading companies within an productive environment. He developed his knowledge in international companies like General Motors, Siemens, Daimler, BMW, Audi, and Coca-Cola
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