Jack and Jill

A Village Story

Louisa May Alcott

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Beschreibung zu „Jack and Jill“

Merely to intimate that are other stories by Miss Alcott than 'Little Women' will be sufficient to set the world of juvenile readers on tip-toe with pleased expectation, and those who are fortunate enough to become the possessors of "Jack and Jill" will surely not be disappointed. If it is not equal to " Little Women," it at least surpasses all other stories from the same pen, in that delightfully real manner of painting child-life which has made the author's name a household word not only in England and America, but in France, where her works have been translated and met with a wide sale. In the days when good juvenile literature is so general, it is pleasant to meet with books of such exceptional merit — books which may already be fairly ranked as classics. "Jack and Jill" is undoubtedly one of the best stories for young people.


Jazzybee Verlag




ca. 274





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