Eduard Strauss - The Third Man of the Strauss Family

Leigh Bailey

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Beschreibung zu „Eduard Strauss - The Third Man of the Strauss Family“

Eduard Strauss I (1835–1916), the youngest of the three Strauss brothers – and hence the 'third man' of the family, has always been overshadowed by his siblings Johann II and Josef. However, he was the longest lived and most widely travelled of the three and, as sole conductor and manager of the Strauss Orchestra for thirty years, brought authentic performances of his family's music to audiences in hundreds of towns and cities in Europe and North America. At home in Vienna he made an invaluable contribution to the city's musical and cultural life, while having at the same time to cope with continual tensions and problems within the Strauss family.


Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag




ca. 346





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