Polite bunny

Laura Rountree Smith

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Beschreibung zu „Polite bunny“

In 'Polite Bunny' by Laura Rountree Smith, the reader is taken on a whimsical journey through a beautifully illustrated children's book that teaches important lessons about manners and kindness. Through the charming character of Polite Bunny, young readers are introduced to the value of saying 'please' and 'thank you' in a playful and engaging way. The book's simple yet effective storytelling style and colorful illustrations make it a delightful read for children and parents alike, reminding us of the importance of kindness in our everyday interactions. The author's attention to detail and creative approach to addressing etiquette make this book a standout in the world of children's literature. Laura Rountree Smith's background in early childhood education and her passion for fostering positive values in young readers are evident in the heartwarming message of 'Polite Bunny'. Parents and educators looking for a fun and educational read that promotes good manners and empathy will find 'Polite Bunny' to be a valuable addition to their child's library.


Good Press




ca. 39





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