Passbook App Development for iOS How-to

Create and customize a Passbook Pass with the exciting new iOS features.

Keith D. Moon

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Passbook App Development for iOS How-to“

With iOS 6, Apple introduced the Passbook app as a central digital wallet for all the store cards, coupons, boarding passes, and event tickets that have become a popular feature of apps. The passes in Passbook can be tied to relevant locations and times, providing additional visibility for your brand or service.

Instant Passbook App Development for iOS How-to is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create, customize, deliver, and update a pass for Passbook, the newest and most exciting iOS 6 feature. With sample code and clear instructions you will be guided through the process and helped to avoid the pitfalls.

Instant Passbook App Development for iOS How-to helps you understand Apple's Passbook feature, leading you through creating and distributing your first pass. Clear step-by-step instructions, along with sample code and resources, will get you up and running so you can integrate Passbook into your app or service. With this book you will learn how to create, customize, sign, deliver, and update your Passbook pass, with the help of sample code and clear instructions.


Packt Publishing




ca. 34





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