The Perfect Keto Diet Cookbook

100 Easy and Delicious Ketogenic Diet Recipes For Healthy Living (Low Carb High Fat Recipes)

Katherine M. Shelton

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Beschreibung zu „The Perfect Keto Diet Cookbook“

Reaching ketosis and remaining in ketosis can sometimes be challenging. Also, following the ketogenic diet might seem overwhelming without a guide, making it hard to follow. The essence of this book is to guide you on your ketogenic journey towards your set goals and to reach and remain ketosis.

You will find in this interesting book:

100 wholesome, simple and delicious recipes.

How to know you have attained ketosis and maintain it.

Myths in the ketogenic diet world.

Differences between ketosis and ketoacidosis.

The 'low-carb' and 'no-carb' difference.

Enumerated benefits of the ketogenic diet.

Ketogenic diet lists of ingredients to pick from.

Nutritional values well calculated for you.

Inherent in you is great power to achieve beyond the seen impossibility if you set your heart towards it. Your dream and desired health will be achieved with this book in hand. Cheers to your healthy living.






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