The Usurper

An Episode in Japanese History

Judith Gautier

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Beschreibung zu „The Usurper“

In "The Usurper" by Judith Gautier, readers are engrossed in a tale of political intrigue and betrayal set in ancient China. Gautier's literary style is rich in descriptive prose and vivid imagery, transporting the reader to a time of imperial power struggles and clandestine plots. The story unfolds with suspenseful twists and turns, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat until the final revelation. Gautier's attention to historical detail and complex characterizations adds depth to the narrative, making "The Usurper" a captivating read for those interested in Chinese history and classical literature. Judith Gautier's dedication to researching ancient Chinese culture and literature shines through in this meticulously crafted novel. Her ability to weave together historical accuracy with a compelling story showcases her talent as a writer and historian. Readers seeking a gripping tale of power, deception, and redemption will find "The Usurper" to be a captivating and thought-provoking read.


Good Press




ca. 299





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