The Art of Bookbinding: A practical treatise, with plates and diagrams

Joseph William Zaehnsdorf

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Beschreibung zu „The Art of Bookbinding: A practical treatise, with plates and diagrams“

'The Art of Bookbinding' by Joseph W. Zaehnsdorf is a classic guide to the ancient craft of binding books. Originally written for amateurs, it quickly became a favorite among professional bookbinders for its detailed instructions and diagrams. In this updated edition, Zaehnsdorf shares his extensive knowledge of the subject, including the history of bookbinding from the earliest times to the present day. The book covers everything from folding and sewing to leatherworking and gilding, providing step-by-step instructions for each stage of the process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced binder, 'The Art of Bookbinding' is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in this beautiful and timeless art form.


Good Press




ca. 171





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