Himalayan Journals — Complete

Or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, etc

Joseph Dalton Hooker

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Beschreibung zu „Himalayan Journals — Complete“

'Himalayan Journals — Complete' is a travelog by Joseph Dalton Hooker, a British botanist and explorer of the 19th century. For twenty years, he served as the director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, and was Charles Darwin's closest friend. In this book, Hooker documents his travels through India, including Sunderbunds, Burdwan, Soorujkoond, Benares, Patna, Seetakoond, and Bhaugulpore, among others. He writes about the geology, vegetation, and natural history of each region, detailing his encounters with various animals, such as tigers, alligators, and tortoises, as well as native tribes, including the Lepchas, Limboos, and Magras. Hooker's descriptions of the landscape, flora, and fauna of the Himalayan region are vivid and insightful, making this book an exciting read for anyone interested in botany, travel, and natural history.


Good Press




ca. 846





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