The Curiosities and Law of Wills

John Proffatt

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Beschreibung zu „The Curiosities and Law of Wills“

"The Curiosities and Law of Wills" by John Proffatt is a legal treatise that delves into the intricate realm of wills and testaments. In a meticulous and scholarly manner, Proffatt navigates readers through the complexities of will-making, offering a comprehensive guide to understanding the laws governing this crucial aspect of estate planning. By exploring a variety of case studies and legal precedents, this book not only equips legal professionals with invaluable insights but also serves as an informative resource for individuals seeking to safeguard their legacies. From the intricacies of testamentary capacity to the formalities of executing a valid will, Proffatt leaves no stone unturned in illuminating the subject. Furthermore, he addresses the unique and often fascinating curiosities that can arise in the context of wills, providing readers with a captivating glimpse into the intersection of law and human affairs.


Good Press




ca. 167





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