Woodwind Quartet sheet music: Chattanooga Stomp (parts)

intermediate level

a cura di Francesco Leone Joe "King" Oliver Woodwind Quartet Series Glissato

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Beschreibung zu „Woodwind Quartet sheet music: Chattanooga Stomp (parts)“

Dive into the heart of early jazz with Francesco Leone's arrangement of 'Chattanooga Stomp' by the iconic Joe "King" Oliver, perfectly suited for an easy-intermediate woodwind quartet. This arrangement offers a set of parts for five instruments: Flute, Oboe, B♭ Clarinet, and Bassoon, with an additional part for B♭ Bass Clarinet, providing a versatile alternative to the Bassoon. This allows ensembles to tailor their sound to best capture the spirited essence of this jazz classic (please note: the complete score is sold separately).

Leone's arrangement is a gateway to the roaring 1920s, inviting musicians to explore the lively rhythms and infectious melodies that made Joe "King" Oliver a cornerstone of jazz history. Designed to be accessible yet challenging, this piece is a fantastic opportunity for woodwind quartets to venture into jazz music, enriching their repertoire with the genre's rich cultural heritage.

Accompanying this arrangement, informative pages in multiple languages—English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese—provide valuable insights into the music's background and performance techniques. This multilingual support ensures that musicians worldwide can fully appreciate and engage with 'Chattanooga Stomp,' making it not just a piece to perform, but an educational experience that bridges cultures and traditions.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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