Canal Street Blues - Clarinet Quartet score & parts

Francesco Leone Joe "King" Oliver Glissato Series Clarinet Quartet

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Beschreibung zu „Canal Street Blues - Clarinet Quartet score & parts“

Immerse yourself in the captivating rhythms of 'Canal Street Blues' with this delightful arrangement for Clarinet Quartet by Francesco Leone. Designed for intermediate-level musicians, this arrangement brings to life the classic jazz piece by Joe 'King' Oliver.
The e-book includes a comprehensive score and parts for Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, and Bb Bass Clarinet, providing your quartet with all the essential components for an engaging performance. To enhance your ensemble's versatility and musical interpretation, optional parts for Eb Piccolo Clarinet (in place of Clarinet 1) and Eb Alto (replacing Clarinet 3) are thoughtfully included.
What sets this arrangement apart is the optional Drums part, allowing your quartet to infuse the piece with a rhythmic heartbeat and capture the essence of jazz improvisation.
To preview the infectious groove and lively melodies, don't forget to listen to the audio demo available on Transport your audience to the vibrant streets of New Orleans and let your Clarinet Quartet groove to the soulful sounds of 'Canal Street Blues'.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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