The Ultimate Solution Book

Jeremy Blighley

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Beschreibung zu „ECONOMIC CRISIS“

This book explains what a recession is and the indicators of one. You will learn how to organize your money to prepare for it. In this book, you'll learn how to prepare for a recession. This book will help you manage your business during the recession. In short, an emergency fund is the money you've saved to help you get through your daily life in financial distress.
After you have finished the book, you will be able to help yourself and your close and dear people to overcome the effects of the recession, will know and avoid the recession traps caused by the situations aeraunder your control.
This book helps you understand the cycle of recession. Once you understand the characteristics of the recession, it will be much easier to deal with the effects of the recession. This book will teach you everything to survive in a brutal economy.
At the end of this book you will know how to manage, motivate and motivate your finances.


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