Paleo Diet - The Diet Secret of Hollywood Stars

Use the weight secrets of Hollywood Stars

Jamie Wild

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Beschreibung zu „Paleo Diet - The Diet Secret of Hollywood Stars“

Talk shows, blog posts and books have made 'The Paleo Diet' the IT diet of the year, even the decade. Friends, colleagues and stars alike are shunning processed foods and taking their eating habits back to the Paleolithic age, reprogramming their bodies and making changes that will benefit them for years to come. Yet too often the how's and the whys of this lifestyle are set aside in favor of just weight loss. The overall health benefits of this approach are lost in the fervor of Hollywood, leaving those of us seeking to lose weight and get healthy a bit confused. This amazing and complete compendium on this all-encompassing lifestyle approach will clear that confusion, separating fact from the fiction.

* Fact: Eating Paleo will help you lose weight.
* Fact: Eating Paleo will increase your overall health.
* Fact: Paleo is not an all or nothing proposition - more of an 80/20 reality.
* Fiction: Eating Paleo is boring and incredibly restrictive.

Filled with information, history, facts and recipes, this book is your All-in-One answer to creating lasting changes in your life, The Paleo Way.


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