The Felonry of New South Wales

James Mudie

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Beschreibung zu „The Felonry of New South Wales“

"The Felonry of New South Wales" is the work of eighteenth century Scottish-born free settler of Australia, James Mudie. After a string of bad experiences in England, including dismissal from the military, Mudie was given the opportunity for a new life when Scottish nobleman, Sir Charles Forbes offered him and his four children free passage to New South Wales, Australia. There he grew to become a successful land owner and was appointed a Justice of the peace. This appointment, however, proved to be quite controversial as he gained a reputation for being particularly severe in his judgments, and flogging criminals and convicts excessively, even for minor offences. His dismissal from the post as a result of this, and its subsequent events are thus the subject of this book in which he seeks to justify his methods.


Good Press




ca. 242





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