First Lessons in Geography

Or, Introduction to "Youth's Manual of Geography"

James Monteith

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Beschreibung zu „First Lessons in Geography“

Monteith recognizes the need for an introductory Geography textbook that was not available in his era, and so he presents his readers with a textbook that is simple and easy to follow. This book covers the basic concepts of Geography such as Continents, Countries, States, Rivers, Mountains, and more, in a way that is not overwhelming for beginners. Exercises are presented in a question and answer format, allowing for easy self-assessment. The maps in this book are free of clutter and unnecessary detail, making them easy to comprehend. This book includes a variety of maps including maps of continents, regions, and countries. It also includes a section on the history of North America, the United States, and other regions of the world.


Good Press




ca. 18





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