Knocking Round

J Le Gay Brereton

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Beschreibung zu „Knocking Round“

In 'Knocking Round' by J Le Gay Brereton, the reader is transported into a vivid depiction of rural life in Australia at the turn of the 20th century. Written in a lyrical and introspective style, the book captures the essence of the Australian landscape and the challenges faced by its inhabitants. Brereton's use of rich language and detailed descriptions immerses the reader in the sights and sounds of the outback, creating a powerful reading experience. The book is a prime example of Australian literary realism, showcasing the harsh beauty of the land and the resilience of its people. Through its engaging narrative, 'Knocking Round' offers a unique perspective on Australian culture and history. J Le Gay Brereton, a prominent Australian poet and literary critic, brings his expertise and passion for storytelling to 'Knocking Round'. His deep connection to the Australian landscape and his understanding of human nature shine through in the pages of this book. Recommended for those interested in Australian literature, historical fiction, and the beauty of nature, 'Knocking Round' is a captivating read that will leave a lasting impression on readers.


Good Press




ca. 115





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