The King Country; or, Explorations in New Zealand

A Narrative of 600 Miles of Travel Through Maoriland

J. H. Kerry-Nicholls

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Beschreibung zu „The King Country; or, Explorations in New Zealand“

The following book is a travel guide to New Zealand, written by James Henry-Kerry Nicholls. He explored the terrains of the country quite extensively, from the southern portion, where the Whanganui River passes through it in a long winding course to the sea; the west, where the Mokau River and its tributaries flow from its central region to the coast; the north, where the Waipa Puniu and various other streams, having their sources in the Titiraupenga and Rangitoto Mountains, wind through it to the Waikato River; and the southeast, where the snow-clad heights of Tongariro and Ruapehu pour down their rapid waters in a perfect network of creeks and rivers.


Good Press




ca. 293





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