The New Story – Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace

Inger Lise Oelrich

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Beschreibung zu „The New Story – Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace“

In THE NEW STORY more than 30 tales from around the world and easy to do exercises give a fresh and encouraging take on how to bring about understanding, compassion and transformation in a wide spectrum of life situations - at school, in work life, at home, in a quiet conversation with a friend but also in the wider arena of multicultural politics, mediation and social healing.

During times of turbulence and conflict, storytelling dedicated to peace and reconciliation has proven successful in creating a common ground between people of all ages, from different cultures and disparate world views. A human culture is cultivated, engendering a free space where story speaks to story and we come to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone´s contribution to a more
inclusive and resilient society.

In rich and lively picture language myths, wisdom tales, life stories and intuitively created stories are shared and everyone has a voice. Full of practical examples combined with leading edge contributions from modern storytellers at work in places like Israel, Kurdistan and the Nordic countries, this book will inspire all who are looking to awaken positivity and enthusiasm wherever they are. Here you will learn new skills to heal the past, honor the present and create sustainable futures together with others.


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