Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology

An Introductory Textbook

Hannes Zacher Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock

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Beschreibung zu „Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology“

Work, organizational, and business psychology is an applied empirical science and occupational field. Written by 20 leading experts in this area, the chapters in this book provide a comprehensive overview of classic and contemporary theories, methods, and findings. Topics include individual differences and performance, vocational choices and career development, the work-nonwork interface, work stress and well-being, occupational safety, positive and counterproductive work behavior, work analysis and work design, personnel selection and development, work attitudes and motivation, negotiation, leadership, teams, entrepreneurship, and organizational development. The book provides a thorough introduction to work, organizational, and business psychology for students in Bachelor and Master programs at universities and universities of applied sciences. It also provides a useful resource for lecturers as well as practitioners in companies and other organizations


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 556





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