The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert

Gustave Aimard

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Beschreibung zu „The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert“

"The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert" by Gustave Aimard is a historical adventure novel. The content includes I. The Cache II. The Ambuscade III. An Old Acquaintance of the Reader IV. Red Cedar at Bay V. The Grotto VI. The Proposition VII. Ellen and Dona Clara VIII. The Flight IX. The Teocali X. The White Gazelle XI. The Apaches XII. Black Cat XIII. The Great Medicine XIV. The Succour XV. On the Island XVI. Sunbeam XVII. Indian Hospitality XVIII. Love! XIX. The Dance of the Old Dogs XX. A Hand-to-Hand Fight XXI. The Avenger XXII. Explanatory XXIII. Apaches and Comanches XXIV. The Scalp-Dance XXV. The Torture XXVI. Two Women's Hearts


Good Press




ca. 256





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