The Dedalus Meyrink Reader

Gustav Meyrink Mike Mitchell


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Beschreibung zu „The Dedalus Meyrink Reader“

An anthology of Meyrink' s work, novels, short stories & essays. Gustav Meyrink is one of the most important and interesting authors of early 20th-century German Literature. To establish his reputation in the English-speaking world Dedalus has translated his five novels plus a collection of his short stories and published the first ever English-language biography of Meyrink. Now is the time to produce an overview of Meyrink in a single volume. The Dedalus Meyrink Reader has excerpts from all the translated books and a whole section of hitherto untranslated material, including the stories from the collection Fledermäuse and autobiographical articles. This volume is perfect companion for both the Meyrink scholar and the first-time Meyrink reader, containing as it does the whole gamut of Meyrink's writing from his love of the bizarre, the grotesque and the macabre to the spine-chilling occult tales and his quest to know what is on the Other Side of the Mirror. Novelist, satirist, translator of Charles Dickens, dandy, man-about-time, fencer, rower, banker and mystic seer, there are many, sometimes contradictory aspects to Gustav Meyrink, who must also be the only novelist to have challenged a whole army regiment to a duel. He has left behind a unique body of work, which can be sampled and enjoyed in The Dedalus Meyrink Reader.

Über Gustav Meyrink

Gustav Meyrink wurde am 19.1.1868 in Wiengeboren und starb am 4.12.1932 in Starnberg. Der Autor veröffentlichte zahlreiche Romane und Erzählungen, darunter: „Der Golem“ (1915), „Fledermäuse“ (1916), „Das grüne Gesicht“ (1916), „Walpurgisnacht“ (1917), „Der weiße Dominikaner“ (1921), „Meister Leonhard“ (1925), „Der Engel vom westlichen Fenster“ (1927)

Bei dotbooks erschien Gustav Meyrinks Kurzgeschichte „Die Pflanzen des Dr. Cinderella".






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