The Battle of Atlanta and Other Campaigns, Addresses, Etc

Grenville Mellen Dodge

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Beschreibung zu „The Battle of Atlanta and Other Campaigns, Addresses, Etc“

This is a compelling history written concisely, filled with many details and unknown facts. The writer Grenville Mellen Dodge was a Union Army officer on the border and a pioneering figure in military intelligence during the Civil War. He served in many significant assignments, including command of the XVI Corps during the Atlanta Campaign.
The Southwestern Campaign
Letter of General Dodge to his Father
The Battle of Atlanta
Letter to General Raum
The Indian Campaigns of 1864-65
The Indian Campaigns of 1865-66
Campaign up the Tennessee River Valley
The Army of the Tennessee
The Campaign in the West
A Talk to Old Comrades
General Grant
Use of Block-Houses During the Civil War
An Incident of the War
Gen. G. M. Dodge on the Water Cure
Misplaced Sympathy


Good Press




ca. 206





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