French Horn in Eb part of "Guglielmo Tell" for Woodwind Quintet

William Tell - overture

Gioacchino Rossini a cura di Enrico Zullino Enrico Zullino

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Beschreibung zu „French Horn in Eb part of "Guglielmo Tell" for Woodwind Quintet“

This edition presents the French Horn in Eb  part (instead Horn in F) of Gioachino Rossini's "William Tell" overture, transcribed for Woodwind Quintet (Flute, Oboe, B♭ Clarinet, French Horn in F, and Bassoon) by Enrico Zullino. Designed for musicians at an intermediate to advanced level, this arrangement captures the essence of Rossini's opera masterpiece, offering a unique ensemble experience. The duration of the piece is approximately 10 minutes. While this offering focuses on the Horn in Eb part, the other instrumental parts and the complete score are available separately within the series. To further enrich the musician's experience, this edition includes detailed prefaces in several languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, providing valuable insights and background to enhance understanding and appreciation of the piece.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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