Red Eagle and the Wars With the Creek Indians of Alabama

George Cary Eggleston

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Beschreibung zu „Red Eagle and the Wars With the Creek Indians of Alabama“

The following book is a biography and portrait of the life of William Weatherford, also known after his death as Red Eagle. He was a Creek chief of the Upper Creek towns who led many of the Red Sticks actions in the Creek War against Lower Creek towns and against allied forces of the United States. One of many mixed-race descendants of Southeast Indians who intermarried with European traders and later colonial settlers, William Weatherford was of mixed Creek, French, and Scots ancestry. He was raised as a Creek in the matrilineal nation and achieved his power in it, through his mother's prominent Wind Clan. After the war, he rebuilt his wealth as a slaveholding planter in lower Monroe County, Alabama.


Good Press




ca. 198





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