The White Glove

Fred M. White

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Beschreibung zu „The White Glove“

In Fred M. White's novel 'The White Glove', the reader is captivated by a thrilling detective story set in the late 19th century. The book's intricate plot and dynamic characters make it a fascinating read for those interested in classic detective fiction. White's writing style is detailed and descriptive, immersing the readers into the gritty underworld of crime and mystery. The novel's literary context lies within the tradition of classic detective fiction, where intricate plots and unexpected twists keep the readers on the edge of their seats. Fred M. White, a prolific writer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was known for his expertise in crafting gripping detective stories. It is his deep understanding of human nature and his keen observation skills that led him to create such engaging narratives. White's own experiences and the societal context of his time greatly influenced his writing, thus giving his novels a realistic and authentic feel. 'The White Glove' is highly recommended for fans of classic detective fiction and anyone interested in exploring the works of lesser-known but talented authors from the turn of the 20th century. Fred M. White's ability to weave together suspense, mystery, and intricate plots makes this novel a must-read for lovers of the genre.


Good Press




ca. 205





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