The Case for the Crown

Fred M. White

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Beschreibung zu „The Case for the Crown“

"A Case For the Crown" is a mystery story. The author of this novel provides us with a fascinating account of events between Cecil Molyneux, and her husband, Robert Molyneux who is a dipsomaniac. Excerpt: "For two years Cecil Molyneux had lived a life that would be impossible to describe. If there was one comfort that she deprived, one drop of consolation in her sea of misery, it lay in the fact that she cared nothing for her husband, and that he was equally indifferent to her. He had never loved her; he had married her because he would, because she had loathed and despised him, and because it had seemed good to him that he should break that proud spirit of hers. He had known at the time that her heart was given to Godfrey Coventry, but this had merely been part of the punishment that he had designed for her. He had taken every advantage of the fact that fate had placed her father's good name in the hollow of his hands, and with this lash, over her head, she had gone like a statue to the altar. She had known, too, only too well, the character of the man whose name she had taken. She was used now to his insults and humiliations, and she was little better than a nurse who is charged with looking after a dangerous lunatic."


Good Press




ca. 207





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