The Jessamy Bride

Frank Frankfort Moore

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Beschreibung zu „The Jessamy Bride“

In Frank Frankfort Moore's novel 'The Jessamy Bride', readers are taken on a journey through a charming and witty love story set in late 18th-century England. The novel is a delightful blend of romance, humor, and social commentary, all wrapped up in Moore's signature elegant and engaging writing style. The story follows the unlikely romance between a young, naive bride and a dashing, mysterious gentleman, leading to unexpected twists and turns that keep readers captivated until the very end. Moore's insightful exploration of societal norms and class dynamics adds depth and intrigue to the narrative, making 'The Jessamy Bride' a truly immersive experience for readers interested in historical romance fiction. As a prominent British playwright and novelist, Frank Frankfort Moore brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his work, allowing him to skillfully craft a compelling story that resonates with readers of all backgrounds. Fans of Regency romance novels and classic literature will find 'The Jessamy Bride' to be a delightful and rewarding read, sure to leave a lasting impression.


Good Press




ca. 242





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