With the Scottish Regiments at the Front

Evelyn Charles Vivian

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Beschreibung zu „With the Scottish Regiments at the Front“

This incredible history revisits the role of the Scottish regiment during the first world war. These regiments were created after the Acts of Union in 1707 between England and Scotland. They either directly served Britain during its various wars or as part of the military establishments of Commonwealth countries. This insightful work details the duties, roles, and training of the different battalions of the Scottish regiment in simple language, free of any technicalities.
Contents include:
The Guards and the Greys
The Royal Scots
The Royal Scots Fusiliers
The King's Own Scottish Borderers
The Black Watch
The Gordon Highlanders
The Seaforth Highlanders
The Cameron Highlanders
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
The Highland Light Infantry and the Cameronians


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