The Octopus of Pilgrim Valley

Ernest Haycox

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Beschreibung zu „The Octopus of Pilgrim Valley“

The Octopus of Pilgrim Valley is a western adventure short story by Ernest Haycox. Haycox was an American writer of Western fiction. Excerpt: "The valley, ringed on three sides by the Buttes and merging into a pine forest far to the south, was a self-contained, almost inaccessible land. No such thing as a fence was needed and since it was a great deal higher than the country outside and below the Buttes it drew more moisture and was visited with a cooler air. The buffalo grass, just turning yellow, covered the valley in a solid mat as far as his eyes could reach. It was an astonishing contrast to the dead area stretching west and north. No wonder Jim Breck, the octopus, wanted to keep out interlopers."


Good Press




ca. 90





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