The Wedding Day

The Service—The Marriage Certificate—Words of Counsel

Various J. F. Hurst

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Beschreibung zu „The Wedding Day“

In 'The Wedding Day', Various authors come together to depict the intertwining of love, family dynamics, and societal expectations on the day of a wedding. The collection of stories and poems showcases a range of emotions and experiences, from joy and excitement to anxiety and doubt, capturing the complexities of relationships and the significance of this momentous occasion. The literary style varies between authors, offering a diverse and engaging read that explores the universal theme of marriage in different voices and perspectives. Set against the backdrop of weddings, the book delves into themes of tradition, modernity, and personal choices, making it a thought-provoking and entertaining read. Fans of contemporary fiction and poetry will appreciate the diverse narratives and writing styles presented in 'The Wedding Day'. Various authors' collective insight and creativity bring depth and richness to the exploration of love and commitment, making this book a compelling and enjoyable read for those interested in exploring the complexities of relationships and marriage.


Good Press




ca. 17





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